Thyroid Cancer Surgery Cost In Singapore (Updated 2025)

Thyroid Cancer Surgery Cost In Singapore (Updated 2025)

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Thyroid cancer is a critical condition that often necessitates surgical intervention. If you or a loved one is facing thyroid cancer surgery in Singapore, understanding the associated costs is essential for effective financial planning. In this article, we will provide a detailed overview of the costs involved in thyroid cancer surgery in Singapore, highlighting the various factors that influence these expenses.

What Is Thyroid Cancer Surgery?

Thyroid cancer surgery involves the removal of part or all of the thyroid gland, which is located at the base of the neck. The procedure is known as a thyroidectomy and can be classified into three types:

  1. Lobectomy – Removal of one lobe of the thyroid.
  2. Subtotal Thyroidectomy – Partial removal of the thyroid gland.
  3. Total Thyroidectomy – Complete removal of the thyroid gland.

The choice of surgery depends on the type and stage of thyroid cancer, as well as the patient’s overall health.

Factors Influencing Thyroid Cancer Surgery Costs In Singapore

Several factors may impact the cost of thyroid cancer surgery in Singapore:

  • Type Of Surgery – More extensive surgeries like total thyroidectomy tend to be more expensive than lobectomies.
  • Surgeon’s Fees – Experienced surgeons with specialised skills in thyroid cancer surgery may charge higher fees.
  • Hospital Charges – Private hospitals typically charge more than public hospitals. The choice of hospital room (ward, semi-private, or private) also affects the cost.
  • Anaesthesia Fees -The type of anaesthesia (local or general) used during the surgery influences the cost.
  • Pre- And Post-Operative Care – Costs for consultations, diagnostic tests, medications, and follow-up appointments add to the overall expense.
  • Complexity Of The Case – Complicated cases that require additional procedures or longer hospital stays can increase costs.

Estimated Cost Of Thyroid Cancer Surgery In Singapore

The cost of thyroid cancer surgery in Singapore may vary widely based on the factors mentioned above. According to the Ministry of Health’s fee benchmarks (accessed Jan 2025), on average, patients can expect to pay around:

Neck, partial removal of thyroid gland (TOSP Code: SJ802T)

Public Hospital

  • Day Surgery (Subsidised) – S$2,596
  • Day Surgery (Unsubsidised) – S$8,676
  • Ward B2 (Subsidised) – S$2,556
  • Ward C (Subsidised) – S$2,153
  • Ward A (Unsubsidised) – S$8,414
  • Ward B1 (Unsubsidised) – S$8,222

Private Hospital

  • Inpatient –  S$26,624

For this procedure/ condition, MOH recommends that a reasonable fee range for a routine and typical cases is:

  • Surgeon Fees – S$7,848 – S$10,355
  • Anaesthetist Fees – S$1,853 – S$2,725
  • Inpatient Doctors’ Attendance Fees – S$230 – S$450 per day

Neck, total or near complete removal of thyroid gland (TOSP Code: SJ803T)

Public Hospital

  • Ward B2 (Subsidised) – S$3,621
  • Ward C (Subsidised) – S$2,425
  • Ward A (Unsubsidised) – S$14,571
  • Ward B1 (Unsubsidised) – S$12,492

Private Hospital

  • Inpatient –  S$32,016

For this procedure/ condition, MOH recommends that a reasonable fee range for a routine and typical cases is:

  • Surgeon Fees – S$7,848 – S$13,952
  • Anaesthetist Fees – S$2,180 – S$3,161
  • Inpatient Doctors’ Attendance Fees – S$230 – S$450 per day

Check with the Ministry of Health for the updated benchmark fees. For an accurate cost breakdown tailored to your specific case, it is advisable to consult with the hospital or clinic directly.

MediSave, MediShield And Insurance For Cancer Treatment

Cancer treatment is claimable under MediSave, MediShield, and various insurance policies.

MediSave covers:

  • Medicines
  • Investigations
  • Surgical operation fee

MediSave covers up to:

  • Medical/surgical inpatient cases
    Up to S$450 per day for daily hospital charges (patient must stay in hospital at least 8 hours unless he/she is admitted for a day surgery). This includes a maximum of S$50 for doctor’s daily attendance fees.
  • Approved day surgeries
    Up to S$300 per day for daily hospital charges.
  • Surgical operations (inpatient and day surgery), with coverage limits depending on the complexity of the operation
  • Certain outpatient treatments, with coverage limits depending on the treatment.

You may find the following resources useful:

National Cancer Cancer Singapore – guide to using MediSave

Ministry Of Health (MOH) – FAQs on cancer treatment financing

For insurance, you will need to check with your insurance provider on the specifics of cancer coverage under your policies, and also to ensure that your chosen doctor is on the panel of your insurance company.

Tips For Managing Thyroid Cancer Surgery Costs

  1. Choose The Right Hospital – Compare costs between public and private hospitals. Public hospitals offer quality care at a lower cost, though waiting times might be longer.
  2. Verify Insurance Coverage – Ensure your insurance policy covers thyroid cancer surgery and understand the claim process.
  3. Utilise Medisave – Use Medisave to reduce the financial burden.
  4. Plan Ahead – Schedule the surgery when you have sufficient funds and insurance coverage in place.

Key Takeaway

Understanding the cost of thyroid cancer surgery in Singapore can help you make informed decisions and manage your healthcare expenses effectively. By considering the type of surgery, hospital, surgeon, and available insurance and Medisave options, you can ensure that you receive the necessary treatment without unnecessary financial strain.

Contact Us For An Introduction To A Thyroid Surgeon In Singapore

If you are looking for an endocrinologist or thyroid surgeon, you may contact us through the button below. Health365 has partnerships with trusted healthcare providers in Singapore.

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