Rejuran Treatment

Rejuran Treatment


PDRN Skin Booster is a range of revolutionary injectables from South Korea that is popular in the world of aesthetics. In this article we will discuss this treatment – what it is, its benefits, potential side effects, procedure involved, and more.

What Is PDRN Skin Booster?

PDRN Skin Booster is an innovative treatment made with polynucleotides(PN) extracted from salmon DNA that is also compatible with human DNA. The PN stimulates cell growth and helps with collagen production. This treatment is designed to revitalise the skin, combat signs of ageing, improve acne scars, improve the appearance of enlarged pores and brighten the skin, making you look younger and your skin healthier.

What Does It Treat?

PDRN Skin Booster comes in different formulations tailored to address specific concerns. Among them are Rejuran Healer, Rejuran S, and Rejuran I. Each variant offers unique benefits, ranging from overall skin rejuvenation to scar reduction and tissue repair.

  • Rejuran Healer – Addresses wrinkles and fine lines, enlarged pores and other skin-related concerns.
  • Rejuran S – Addresses scars such as acne scars.
  • Rejuran I – Made for the delicate eye area. It addresses dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes.

How Does It Work?

As we age, the natural production of collagen diminishes, leading to wrinkles, lines, and sagging skin. Rejuran Healer and Rejuran I combat these issues by stimulating cell growth and promoting collagen production through micro-injections across the treatment area.

On the other hand, Rejuran S, which is a more concentrated version of Rejuran Healer, boasts greater viscosity, making it ideal for addressing scars caused by acne or surgery. By plumping up skin depressions, Rejuran S helps in scar reduction, following the same micro-injection procedure as other variants. Alternatively, Rejuran S can also be delivered with a cannula. Subscision, a procedure that uses a needle or cannula to break down fibrous bands that contribute to acne scarring, can also be done prior to administering Rejuran S.

What Does The Procedure Involve?

The procedure typically involves a series of micro-injections administered across the treatment area. During the session, the aesthetic doctor carefully injects the solution into targeted areas, ensuring precise and effective delivery for optimal results.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of treatment may vary depending on factors such as the treatment area, the number of sessions required, and the aesthetic provider’s expertise. Generally a treatment ranges from S$650 and above. 

Consult Our Preferred Doctor On Your Aesthetic Treatment

Dr Elendrus Teo is an aesthetic doctor at Astique the Aesthetic Clinic. He has expertise in facial fillers, botox, non surgical Facial Contouring, Pigment Lasers, Lasers for skin resurfacing, Fractional Lasers, and Devices for Skin Tightening and Body Contouring.

PDRN Skin Booster Treatment from Dr Elendrus Teo you can consider with estimated pricing:

Contact Us To Book An Appointment

Ready to embark on your journey to youthful, radiant skin? Reach out to us for more information or to schedule a consultation with Dr Elendrus Teo. Your path to rejuvenation starts here.


Is It Painful?

During the procedure, a topical numbing cream is usually applied to the treatment area to minimise any potential discomfort. There might be discomfort at injection areas however, many patients find the sensation tolerable.

Are There Side Effects?

While the treatment is generally safe, individuals may experience mild side effects such as redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection sites. These effects are usually temporary and subside within a few days post-treatment.

Is The Treatment Safe?

It is a safe treatment if done by a professional.

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