Editor’s List Of Cord Blood Banking Service Providers In Singapore

Editor’s List Of Cord Blood Banking Service Providers In Singapore

Editor's List Of Cord Blood Banking Service Providers In Singapore

Blood stem cells may be used for treating a number of blood disorders and cancers. A good source of blood stem cells is umbilical cord blood. This is why Singaporeans may choose to store their newborns’ cord blood with cord blood banks in Singapore – for potential future use either by the donor child, or its siblings. Cord blood banking service in Singapore is regulated under the Healthcare Services Act. The licensed banks are subject to inspections by the Ministry of Health.

List Of Cord Blood Banks

If you are looking for a licensed cord blood banking service providers in Singapore, our list below may be useful.

Name Of Cord Blood BankRemarks
1Singapore Cord Blood BankPublic sector cord blood bank.
Cord blood stored may be for donation or for own family use.
2Cryoviva SingaporePrivate cord blood bank licensed under MOH (as of Mar 2024).
3StemCordPrivate cord blood bank licensed under MOH (as of Mar 2024).

Note: There is a third private cord blood bank in Singapore – Cordlife. As of Mar 2024, Cordlife is under investigation for alleged mishandling of storage units and is under MOH suspension from collecting, processing and storing new cord blood and providing any new types of tests.

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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.