Editor’s List For Finding The Best Corporate Health Screening Providers In Singapore

Editor’s List For Finding The Best Corporate Health Screening Providers In Singapore

Editors List For Finding Corporate Health Screening Providers

Health screening is an important element of protecting our health as they help detect potential medical problems early, before symptoms show. This may either enable more timely intervention to prevent the condition from worsening into a state where it presents a problem, or it may enable treatment to start at a stage where the condition is still more easily treatable. The benefits of health screening however are not limited only to the individuals. Even corporates and companies stand to benefit from providing corporate health screening benefits to employees. If you are searching for the best corporate health screening providers in Singapore – this Editor’s List may be a good starting point.

Corporate Health Screening – In-Clinic And OnSite

Corporate health screening benefits may take one of both of 2 forms:

  1. In-clinic corporate health screening: Employees visit the healthcare provider by themselves, and enjoy a corporate rate that is lower than open rates paid by individuals.
  2. Onsite corporate health screening: The healthcare provider visits the company’s premises and conduct health screening for staff onsite. There is no need for employees to visit the clinics themselves. These typically require a minimum number of committed pax to proceed.

Corporate Health Screening Provider

Minimum Requirements

(In-clinic Screening)

Minimum Requirements

(Onsite Screening)


AcuMed Medical

No min. pax requirements.

Min. 40 pax, depending on requirements.


AsiaMedic Wellness Assessment Centre

No min. pax requirements.

Min. 30 pax. $150 logistics fee applies if below 50 pax.


Asia HealthPartners

No min. pax requirements.

Min. 30 pax, depending on requirements.


ATA Medical

Min. 30 pax (call to enquire if fewer than 30 pax).

Min. 30 pax (call to enquire if fewer than 30 pax).


Fullerton Health

Information unavailable at time of publication.

Information unavailable at time of publication.


LifeScan Medical Centre

Min. 15 pax.

Min. 50 pax in 1 day.



No min. pax requirements.

Min 30 pax.


Parkway Shenton

Information unavailable at time of publication.

Information unavailable at time of publication.


Raffles Medical

No min. pax requirements.

Min 50 - 80 pax, depending on requirements.


StarMed Specialist Centre

Min. 2 pax.

Min. 50 pax, depending on requirements.

Public Hospitals


National University Hospital Wellness Centre

Min. 30 pax.

Min. 30 pax.


SGH Health Assessment Centre

Information unavailable at time of publication.

Information unavailable at time of publication.


Tan Tock Seng Hospital

Information unavailable at time of publication.

Information unavailable at time of publication.

Benefits For Organisations

Provision of corporate health screening to employees can benefit organisations in the following ways:

  1. Talent Acquisition / Retention: Given the high cost of healthcare in Singapore, health benefits (including corporate health insurance) may be an important tool for attracting and retaining talent.
  2. Raising Productivity: Keeping employee healthy reduces absenteeism and lost hours due to employees taking medical leave.
  3. Reducing medical benefits costs: Keeping employees healthy may also help to reduce the employee health benefits costs for organisations.
  4. Increase staff morale and bonding: Particularly for larger organisations, onsite health screenings may provide staff from different parts of the organisation a rare opportunity to meet and interact.

Contact Us For Suggestions Or Requests For Corporate Health Screening

The list is intended as a convenience for our readers and the information therein may change over time. We welcome suggestions for additional inclusions into the list. If you would like to explore getting corporate health screening for your company, you can contact us on WhatsApp too.



Protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic diseases with regular health screening. Compare and shop for health screenings from Singapore and regional healthcare providers at a single convenient platform - shop.health365.sg

This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.