Meet Dr Chua Boon Suan, Health Screening Specialist In Singapore

Meet Dr Chua Boon Suan, Health Screening Specialist In Singapore

Dr Chua Boon Suan

Dr Chua Boon Suan is a health screening specialist in Singapore and the Senior Resident Physician at AsiaMedic Wellness Assessment Centre. Dr Chua has special interest in health screening and chronic disease prevention, including chronic disease management for conditions such as Diabetes, High blood pressure, and High cholesterol.

Upon graduation from the National University of Singapore in 2001, Dr Chua Boon Suan practiced in a number of the restructured hospitals in Singapore. 15 years thereafter, she saw patients in the Health Screening and Wellness Centres at hospitals, including Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Mt Alvernia Hospital, National University Hospital and Farrer Park Hospital.

What is Dr Chua’s patient care philosophy, and how does she enable her patients to make the best health screening decisions? Learn more about Dr Chua at her Preferred Doctor Page here!

Protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic diseases with regular health screening. Compare and shop for health screenings from Singapore and regional healthcare providers at a single convenient platform - shop.health365.sg

This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.