Learn More About Prostate Cancer in Singapore – Public Forum by the National University Cancer Institute

Learn More About Prostate Cancer in Singapore – Public Forum by the National University Cancer Institute

Prostate cancer in Singapore NCIS forum

Prostate Cancer in Singapore

Prostate cancer in Singapore is the second most common cancer among men, according to the latest Singapore Cancer Registry Annual Report. It has the fourth highest mortality rate for cancers in males, making up to 6.3% of cancer deaths. If you are keen to learn more about this disease straight from the experts, do consider attending the educational public forum organised by the National University Cancer Institute, Singapore (NCIS).

Details of NCIS’s Public Forum on Prostate Cancer

NCIS’s forum is entitled “Prostate Cancer: What You should Know”. It is in Zoom webinar format, and is scheduled for 13 Aug 22 (Saturday), from 10am – 12pm. It will be in both English and Chinese.

Specialists speaking at the forum are:

  • A/Prof Edmund Chiong – Senior Consultant, Division of Surgical Oncology (Urology)
  • Dr Ooi Kiat Huat – Consultant, Department of Radiation Oncology
  • Dr Robert Walsh – Associate Consultant, Department of Haematology-Oncology
  • Dr Wang Ziting – Associate Consultant, Division of Surgical Oncology (Urology).

Learn from these top specialists on key prostate cancer concerns:

  • What Happens After Prostate Cancer Diagnosis?
  • Early Prostate Cancer: Making a Decision for Therapy
  • A Closer Look at Advanced Prostate Cancer Therapy
  • Living with Prostate Cancer Therapy Side Effects

How to Sign Up for the Forum

Visit NCIS’s website to learn more about this public forum. If you would like to sign up directly, the NCIS’ signup page for the forum is here.

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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.

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