Prevent Cancer

Why Regular Health Screening – Top 3 Reasons

It is important to make regular health screening an essential part of your healthcare routine. Here are 3 top reasons why.

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Cancer Marker Tests In Singapore And How They Help Early Detection Of Cancer

The likelihood of successfully treating cancer is considerably increased with early detection and treatment. Cancer marker tests in Singapore may help patients detect their cancers early and get appropriate treatment.

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Be Mindful Of Your Visceral Fat Level

Being slim does not prevent illnesses associated with obesity. Overweight or not, you need to be mindful about your visceral fat level.

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How Alcohol Consumption Affects Your Health

Besides numerous short and long-term effects, alcohol consumption affects your health in significant ways too. Here are five health impacts.

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Regular Exercise Lowers Risk Of Developing Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among Singaporean women. Studies show that exercise lowers the risk of getting breast cancer.

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Breast Cancer Prevention

No action can remove the risk of breast cancer. However, there are lifestyle changes that can lower the risks of developing the disease.

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Why You Should Screen for Cancer

3 Myths Preventing People From Going For Regular Cancer Screening – Debunked Cancer can strike anyone, and at any age. However, many are curable, especially if treated in the early stages. Cancer screening can help to detect early signs of cancer or pre-cancerous conditions before symptoms appear and save lives. Why then do some people […]

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How to Prevent Cancer

Cancer is not contagious. It can develop due to lifestyle factors like smoking. Learn more here on how to prevent cancer.

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